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 Kevin & Kathleen Moreira

Founders and Senior Pastors 

of Torch Ministries

Kevin Moreira is an apostolic voice to this generation. He and his wife, Kathleen Moreira serve as the Senior Pastors of Torch Ministries - Time of Revival Church.


Kevin Moreira is known for his gift of revelation, apostolic insight, creative strategies and his tremendous heart to see transformation established in all areas of life.


Through his influence, anointing and gifting, he has birthed many ministries including gospel revival, RSC (rescuing souls for Christ), church on the street, Torch Cares, 24/7 church vision, Mary Magdalene ministry, 60 minutes with God-radio program, Revival TV, and many other missionary projects around the world.


Kevin is a board member of Gilgal Family of Ministries. He has ministered in over 20 different nations around the world. His mission is to go where no one is going and to do what no one is doing. His vision is to bring forth fire and revival to all nations in all areas of life, before the coming of Jesus Christ!


Pastor Kevin’s evangelistic ministry has reached night clubs, bars, hospitals, prisons, schools, slums, orphanages, and hard to reach places. He believes in a church without walls!


Kevin has a diploma of Theology from Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Centre.


© 2024 TORCH Ministries


1200 Castlefield Ave, York, ON. M6B 1G2, Canada

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